个人日程安排软件 EssentialPIM Pro 9.3 中文多语免费版

EssentialPIM Pro 中文版个人备忘管理工具。EssentialPIM Pro 中文版是一套个人时间日程安排软件,它具有相当方便的操作接口,让使用者能够对于所排定的行程一目了然,而每一个事件也都允许使用者进行夹档,让你可以把 例如会议结果、计划案等数据附带于该记录中。往后,使用者就能够直接对所输入的数据进行搜寻,让你不论在何时都能够找到该事件发生时的一些特定信息。

个人日程安排软件 EssentialPIM Pro 9.3 中文多语免费版,第1张

EssentialPim Pro 中文版是一款个人日程安排软件,能以电子化的形式保存您的信息。您所有的日程、任务、记事、通讯录、登陆密码都保存在图形化界面中且形式简便。


EssentialPIM Pro 主要功能:

-能与主要的在线服务商(谷歌、雅虎、Funambol、Mobical、AOLSync、GooSync等)以及SyncML和CalDAV服务器、Outlook、Windows Mobile和Palm同步。


New in EssentialPIM 9.3 更新日志 
Set shortcuts for creating any type of new items (some users prefer to use Ctrl+N instead of the default “Ins” one, for instance)
Ability to set up default duration for new appointments through Templates*
“Save & New” button for easier and faster creation of all types of items in EPIM
Quicker and smoother transition from hours to minutes when typing in time for appointments and tasks (no need to use a separator symbol)
Use space bar in calendar to mark events as completed
Ctrl+Click and Alt+Click actions now also work for links in note names*
Completed events will now be easily distinguishable on all Calendar views
Improved synchronization of contacts and tasks with EPIM Cloud
Couple of optimizations regarding Advanced Search
Contact groups will now be correctly synchronized with Google*
Visual improvements for the dark theme
Synchronization of contact pictures with iCloud works again*
Fixed import of Unicode vCard (*.vcf) files into contacts
Printout of events from Today should work correctly now
Fixed issue with background color in mail
Several other improvements and minor bug fixes


EssentialPIM Pro 9.3
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